Anxiety is a Silent But Harmful Illness


Anxiety, or, as it is known in the medical profession, Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), is a disorder where one worries excessively about everyday matters but cannot explain why they are so anxious. Those who have symptoms of GAD always expect the worst to happen and cannot stop worrying about such things as health, work, school or money situations. When someone has GAD, they dread everyday events and their thinking becomes obsessed with negativity.

Where Can Anxiety Be Found?

Anxiety can be found in all areas of life. In today’s society it is virtually impossible to avoid anxiety. It can be seen and felt everywhere—in our work, at home, being with friends, dealing with difficult situations and just living! It seems that for some, anxiety is a threat, just lurking to cause trouble.

But even though anxiety is troublesome to many, there are things that can be done that can lessen or eliminate nervousness so that life can be more fully enjoyed.

How to Keep Anxiety at Bay?

Let’s look at some ways/methods we can initiate to keep our fears and anxieties at bay
First, a good way to lessen anxiety is by being more selective in our diet. Many causes of anxiety can be linked to what is eaten. Avoiding certain foods can help to reduce anxiety and the accompanying symptoms of nervousness. Foods to avoid are chocolates and stimulating drinks such as coffee, sodas. Especially important to keep away from are instant sugars such a potato chips, cookies, cakes and such. Eating a more healthy diet that contains more salads, soups, fresh fruits and vegetables and including daily exercise, will help lessen and control the feelings of anxiety.

Another way to keep anxiety at bay is to be aware of what brings on anxiety, such as being around certain people, job requirements, or events that are anxiety-ridden. One way to overcome these anxiety triggers is by being exposed to the event or by going through cognitive behavioral therapy. For instance, those who feel extreme anxiety when having to attend a meeting, would slowly be exposed to such meetings. And, having a strong support system—be it a spouse or family member, helps greatly when going through therapy.

In addition, certain breathing exercises can be of great help when feeling anxious. When feeling tense and anxious, the heart rate can often become higher and breathing can become rapid and shallow. This is normal because your body is responding to stress. When a person who is feeling stressed takes time to sit down and relax, the body begins to calm down and relax. By closing the eyes and breathing from the abdomen, stress can be reduced. By breathing in slowly through the nose instead of the mouth, relaxation begins. Then, exhale through the mouth. When this technique is done several times and slowly, the body begins to relax and anxiety reduces.

It also helps to use self-talking therapy. This means when something stressful is going on and anxiety begins, talking to oneself and saying something like, “These are just feelings–my body is only reacting to stress– and they will go away. They are not harmful and will pass,” will help soothe the body and mind and soon a feeling of wellness will return.

How to Lessen Anxiety

Ways to lesson anxiety include the following:

  • Exercise is a great way to reduce stress. Research shows that as little as 30 minutes of exercise a day can help lower anxiety.
  • Hypnosis is sometimes used to help with anxiety. When a person is relaxing under hypnosis, the hypnotherapist uses different techniques to help the person face anxiety and often from that hypnosis, the person will see certain life events in a different light.

By Richard Wayland

Richard Wayland is a dedicated fitness athlete and author, specializing in bodybuilding, workouts, health & wellness, and nutrition. With a focus on anabolic steroids and effective exercise techniques, Richard shares his expertise through insightful articles, helping readers achieve their fitness goals and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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