Create Spa-inspired Beauty For Pennies

spa-inspired beauty

The dream of a spa get away can be had for as little as a movie out and a small dose of creativity. Facials, meditating, candle lit baths and some much needed relaxation bring out an inner beauty that shines for all to see. Making the commitment for time spent alone and rejuvenating is a step toward a healthy mind, body and spirit.

Step Outdoors and Enjoy Nature’s Beauty

Take a walk around the neighborhood or if a nearby park or hiking trail are available, head out and give the heart muscle a nice massage. That’s right, the heart is a muscle and if exercised it will gift its owner with a glow not found anywhere else. Skip antiperspirant as the release of toxins through pores directly influences a healthy sheen and the luminosity of the skin. While walking, try healing mantras and when the grocery list sneaks in, gently push it aside and return to a couple of positive chants. Do not worry about scattered thoughts, simply refocus and practice guiding the brain towards inspiring pathways.

Looking around and observing flowers, birds and the sky tunes one in to all that nature is providing and can create an atmosphere of well-being. For those who seek a deeper connection to a higher power, the universe has a flow that is spiritually accessible to anyone willing to focus on honoring the gift. Upon completion of the walk, take time to stretch and try gentle yoga moves. One need not be a yoga master to realize the benefits of simple movement.

Bring the Flowers, Candles and Juice into the Bath

The continuation of a homemade spa day is a luxurious bath. An inexpensive bouquet of daisies, jasmine scented candles, a glass of juice and Zen is assured. Continue by raiding the kitchen for supplies that mimic spa recipes. Begin with an oatmeal and honey mask from the following recipe.

  • – 6 tablespoons instant oatmeal
  • – 1/3 hot water
  • – 2 tablespoons honey
  • – 1 tablespoon yogurt

Mix oatmeal and hot water, let sit five minutes. Add in honey and yogurt. It should be noted that leftover plain oatmeal from a morning breakfast could also be set aside and used. Place lit candles, flowers and juice within sight and reach and settle back into a tub filled with your favorite bath oils. Apply the mask and enjoy the sensation as tension melts. Create pictures in the mind, imagining a beautiful place filled with calming energy. Reassure the psyche that this healing time nourishes both soul and body. The emergence of a healthy, reinvigorated being is beneficial to all.

Taking time to tune into the mind, body, spirit is so much more than simple pampering. Healing energy has been shown to reduce physical distress and disease as well as keep depression at bay. Realizing that home spa day might save hours of expensive medical care down the road can go a long way toward encouraging everyone that this is not only something that is deserved but also something that is needed.

By Richard Wayland

Richard Wayland is a dedicated fitness athlete and author, specializing in bodybuilding, workouts, health & wellness, and nutrition. With a focus on anabolic steroids and effective exercise techniques, Richard shares his expertise through insightful articles, helping readers achieve their fitness goals and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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