Easy Workout Tips for Mothers

workout tips for mothers

Many busy mothers grumble about having little or no time for gym workouts, but all hope is not lost. These simple exercises can be factored into the routine of any busy mom. Better yet, they don’t require any fancy exercise equipment. A variety of objects found in the lives of many mothers can help turn daily chores into daily workouts.

Exercise while Completing Household Chores

Speed Walk around the Store – The term mall walkers has become so popular in recent years that many malls offer Mall Walking programs or clubs. Inclement weather is no longer a no-exercise excuse when you take your walking indoors where you’re already performing the common motherhood task of shopping. Yet malls are not the only place where a walking workout is comfortable and easy. Any large store will do. Take the opportunity to push your full cart quickly around the interior of any warehouse sized store. Be sure to swivel your hips and tighten your abdomen muscles as you walk to give your waist a workout along with your legs. Wear a pedometer to measure your mileage.

Lift the laundry basket – Doing laundry doesn’t need to be a dreaded chore. Make it into a fun workout and laundry duty will be done in no time. As you carry your laundry basket to the washing machine, take advantage of the time to perform various arm exercises. While holding the basket, place one hand on each side of the basket holding your arms out straight and then curl the basket close to your body. Be sure to use only your arm muscles and not to put any strain on your back. When it’s time to fold the laundry, lay the towels flat on the floor and then lean forward, tightening your stomach muscles while reaching for the far edge.

Push the garbage cans- Stuck with garbage duty? No problem. The heavier the garbage cans, the more equivalent to bar weights, offering an extra strenuous workout. Just push and pull the cans on your way to the curb, tightening your abdomen muscles as you go.

Lift the grocery bags- Instead of grunting and groaning while taking in the groceries, use the time as an opportunity to strengthen your arms. Take as many bags as you can handle without putting strain on your back, lifting and lowering them on your way into the house.

No Equipment? No Problem!

Use items that are already around the house instead of using your lack of exercise equipment at home as a justification not to exercise. For example, gallon milk jugs make suitable hand weights. Pulling up a dining room chair to use as a push-up bench is another excellent substitution for costly exercise equipment. Additionally, many mothers have found that carrying a baby around gets tiring, but it is also a great way to firm up un-toned arm muscles.

While pushing the shopping cart is not the same as walking on a treadmill and lifting milk jugs are not exactly lifting dumb bells, these workouts are what you make them. When time or finances are lacking, but the desire to get in shape is present, there is always a way to get into shape. Most importantly, with each exercise be sure to focus your attention on, and work, your target muscle group.

By Richard Wayland

Richard Wayland is a dedicated fitness athlete and author, specializing in bodybuilding, workouts, health & wellness, and nutrition. With a focus on anabolic steroids and effective exercise techniques, Richard shares his expertise through insightful articles, helping readers achieve their fitness goals and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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