
The benefits of eating almonds to lower cholesterol levels are so well documented that the Mayo Clinic includes these nuts in its list of the top five foods to lower cholesterol. A 2002 study indicated that daily consumption of 37 grams of almonds (approximately 30 nuts) can lower low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol – the ‘bad’ cholesterol – by about 5% (Jenkins, 2002).

How do almonds lower cholesterol?

Research has yet to reveal exactly how almonds lower LDL cholesterol levels in the blood, but several components of the nuts are likely to be involved (Jenkins, 2006):

  • plant protein
  • monounsaturated fat
  • plant sterols

Almonds are also an excellent source of antioxidants including Vitamin E which, while not thought to affect cholesterol levels, appear to have great benefits for heart health and significantly lower the risk of coronary heart disease (Jenkins, 2008).

Nutritional value of almonds

Thirty-seven grams of almonds (approximately 30 nuts) provides:

  • 8 grams of protein
  • 4 grams of fiber
  • nearly half of the daily requirement of vitamin E
  • 18.5 grams of fat (1.3 grams of saturated fat, 0 trans fat)
  • 214 calories

Almonds are also a good source of riboflavin, magnesium, and manganese. Because of the high fat – and therefore high calorie – content, these nuts should be eaten in moderation, and they should replace other sources of fat and protein in a healthy diet.

Eating almonds to lower cholesterol

The US Food and Drug Administration recommends that people trying to lower cholesterol levels with food should eat 42.5 grams of almonds (about 35 nuts) daily (Mayo Clinic). Almonds should not be salted or candy coated, and because some of the antioxidants are present in the skin, the nuts should not be blanched (Jenkins, 2008). The benefits of eating almonds will be enhanced by also including foods high in soluble fiber, and other sources of plant sterols.

By Richard Wayland

Richard Wayland is a dedicated fitness athlete and author, specializing in bodybuilding, workouts, health & wellness, and nutrition. With a focus on anabolic steroids and effective exercise techniques, Richard shares his expertise through insightful articles, helping readers achieve their fitness goals and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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