Enriching Human Life with Holistic Living

holistic living

A holistic lifestyle, inspired by the uncountable virtues of nature, encompasses all possible dimensions of our existence—the mind, body, spirit and the natural environment that surrounds our entity. Through the ages, it has been acknowledged that our physical surroundings have tremendous positive, vital energy and power that can be cultivated by us for physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing.

Today, this very realization of living in harmony with nature has been the core philosophy of holistic living. Natural, holistic living described by exponents as “the art of living” derives its essence from the ancient Greek concept of “holism” (a Greek word meaning “entire” or “total”) that believed in the cumulative entity of the human (combining the biological, chemical, social, economic, mental, linguistic attributes).

The general principle of “holism” advocated by philosophers like Aristotle has evolved through the years, culminating in a philosophy of life that emphasizes on the integration of the emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical elements of a being.

Visionaries throughout the ages have firmly believed in the inner psyche of humans as a subtle and impeccable spirit. According to the holistic philosophy of living, it is this inner psyche that connects the mind and the body with an intangible thread, absorbing our entity beyond the mundane. It is according to this philosophy, again, that our inner psyche, our mind and body, and our planet embody the same essence and vibration, the same life force. The natural, holistic approach to living views human life from this perspective of harmony and balance. It can also be said that living holistically is synonymous to living in cohesion with the cosmic order.

How we can Work Towards Maintaining a Holistic Lifestyle

Ancient Hindu philosophers who cultivated the philosophy of holistic living believed in healthy living in harmony with nature. They believed that in order to achieve a balanced life, to maintain physical and mental equilibrium, it is necessary to form a symbiotic relationship with our natural surroundings and our social world.

Today, as we work towards achieving a holistic lifestyle, we eventually form a healthy, organic relationship with nature. Holistic living should mean that the food we eat is natural, the homes we live in are in harmony with nature, the paths we travel are rich with the vital energy and goodness of nature, the work we choose to do is inspiring and fulfilling. A holistic lifestyle also means that the way we think invites positive energy and eliminates negative patterns of thinking, the personal relationships we have are harmonious and positive. The basis of achieving this harmony and balance in all aspects of our life is the belief that our physical self (our body), our emotional self (our mind) and our spiritual self (our inner psyche)—all are closely interconnected. Holistic philosophy is actually a philosophy of well-being that considers the physical, mental and spiritual aspects of human life as closely interconnected and balanced.

Benefits of Holistic Living

Today, many are interested in adopting natural, holistic, organic living. Holistic practices like yoga, meditation, spiritual healing, therapeutic massage and Ayurveda have taken the center stage, guiding humans on how nature has intended us to live. Also, there is the growing practice of naturalistic approaches like veganism, organic farming and green living, focusing on preserving proper harmony within humans, plants, animals and our environment. More and more of us are cultivating a holistic approach to living based on the spiritual wisdom of ancient holistic philosophers.

Today, there are numerous studies and research in holistic health and nutrition, psychotherapy and spiritual healing and Ayurveda remedies for ailments (non-conventional medication based on natural resources), all of which embody the core values of holistic living. For years and ages, those practicing a healthy, natural, holistic lifestyle have experienced numerous benefits like:

  • enjoying a balanced physical and emotional health
  • getting rid of stress and strain, improving personal relationships
  • connecting with humans and the environment in a deeper way
  • getting rid of chronic ailments in a natural way
  • understanding the significance of spirituality and personal growth
  • improving productivity and feeling complete as a human
  • honoring one’s own self as an entity closely linked to Nature

In a world distraught with ailments, holistic living has time and again proved to be instrumental in restoring good health and equilibrium. Joining hands with spirituality and an engaging relationship to nature, holistic living preached by our ancient philosophers have always taught us the way to care for the Mother Earth and to care for ourselves. Let us hope that enlightened with the philosophy of holistic living, we learn to live with the serenity, poise and power of humanity.

By Richard Wayland

Richard Wayland is a dedicated fitness athlete and author, specializing in bodybuilding, workouts, health & wellness, and nutrition. With a focus on anabolic steroids and effective exercise techniques, Richard shares his expertise through insightful articles, helping readers achieve their fitness goals and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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