How to Practice Yoga Without Spending Lots of Money

practice yoga

Having a regular yoga practice does not require spending lots of money. There are lots cheaper alternatives to expensive studio classes that can be explored when money is tight and there is a need to be frugal. With a little planning, it is possible to find high quality yoga instruction without draining the wallet.

Start a Home Yoga Practice

Practicing yoga at home takes discipline and dedication but may just be one of the most personally rewarding ways to practice. For a seasoned practitioner there is the freedom to practice at a personal pace and to explore poses that might not be explored in a group class. For someone who is new to the practice, doing yoga at home offers a quiet space to learn and explore and get comfortable with the poses without being in a large group of people.

When starting a home practice it is important to set aside three to five times per week to practice and to be consistent. Find a place that is quiet and absent of distraction such as cell phone or television. Set aside an area of the home that is just for home practice and perhaps set up a candle or little altar to help define the space.

If a person wants to practice at home but needs a little help getting in the habit it might be helpful to hire a yoga teacher that will teach in the home. Private yoga can be expensive but many teachers will teach small group classes for the same rate. Finding some friends that also want to practice and splitting the price can be a cheaper alternative. Another option is to find a yoga CD or DVD to help guide someone through the practice. The library has lots of choices and any local or online bookstore such as offers lots of variety depending on the desired style of practice.

Recreation Centers, YMCAs, Gyms Offer Yoga

With yoga becoming more and more popular, it is easy to find yoga classes outside of a studio. Recreation centers, local gyms and the YMCA usually offer lots of class choices and the teachers can be just as wonderful as at the larger studios.

For YMCAs and gyms, most classes are already included in the membership price so it becomes possible to go to lots of classes without paying more than the membership itself. Classes at these places are also usually a bit smaller which makes more time for individual attention from the instructor.

Cheaper Ways to Practice Yoga at a Studio

Some yoga studios now offer a few choices when it comes to paying for classes. Most all studios offer price breaks when buying groups of classes which are well worth the money for someone who practices consistently at the same studio. Be sure to ask about how long they last, sometimes packages expire.

There is a growing trend of studios offering classes that are donation-based. This does not mean they are free, but it does offer a chance to pay a little less when necessary or when trying out a class for the first time. Some studios offer nothing but donation-based classes, making it possible to sample different teachers and class levels to find one that works for everybody.

Some studios offer work exchange programs. They are rarely advertised, but asking a member of the front desk staff is always a good idea. Studios sometimes need people to check help clean, pass out fliers or check in students for classes. If the time is available this is a great way to work with a studio to earn free classes and meet some nice people along the way.

Yoga is a practice that is available to everyone, regardless of income. It may take a little research but it is possible to have a regular yoga practice without breaking the bank. Look to the local library, or the gym or talk to local studios about pricing options, there is something for everyone.

By Richard Wayland

Richard Wayland is a dedicated fitness athlete and author, specializing in bodybuilding, workouts, health & wellness, and nutrition. With a focus on anabolic steroids and effective exercise techniques, Richard shares his expertise through insightful articles, helping readers achieve their fitness goals and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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