The Role of Juices in the Body Detox


The detox plans during diets are often based on the use of freshly juiced fruits and vegetables. They have remarkable cleansing and tonifying qualities, and are also full of vitamins and minerals In the short diet plans you are encouraged to consume only liquids. On the longer diet plans, simple and nutritious foods are eaten alongside with juices to balance the cleansing process. Such foods include the whole grains rice, millet, and barley, beans, sprouting seeds, fruits and vegetables, seaweeds and rice cakes.

If you want to detox for a period of longer than two weeks, seek professional advice and supervision. Juice-only diets should not be followed for more than two days without medical/ naturopathic supervision. Lack of food sources can dangerously lower your energy levels to a point where your diet does more harm than good.

If you feel you can only manage for one or two days the detox diet then do that. And if the hunger make you eat a bar of chocolate, do not despair, simply carry on with the plan and try not to do it again by making sure that you have more appropriate snack foods around. Following through a detox plan with a few slips here and there is better than not doing it at all. Many persons find it easier to get into the detox routine by starting off with the one day juice plan. You can build up your control to attempt a longer detox when you’ve got used to the thought and know what to expect.

By Richard Wayland

Richard Wayland is a dedicated fitness athlete and author, specializing in bodybuilding, workouts, health & wellness, and nutrition. With a focus on anabolic steroids and effective exercise techniques, Richard shares his expertise through insightful articles, helping readers achieve their fitness goals and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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